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Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance

We are Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance.

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Strengthening your board for success in a volatile world

The dynamics of corporate boardrooms are increasingly recognized as pivotal to the success or failure of organizations worldwide. As such, the composition of these boards and the challenges they face have never been more critical. This perspective emphasizes the importance of adopting strategic recruitment practices for board members, comparable to the rigorous standards applied in executive recruitment, to ensure a vibrant, effective and forward-thinking governance team.

Building bridges across borders: Strategies for a cohesive remote global team

The global landscape of work is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Fueled by advancements in technology and a growing desire for flexibility, remote work is rapidly becoming the norm, bringing a host of benefits. This shift offers undeniable advantages like access to a broader talent pool and improved work-life balance, even though it presents unique challenges.

Pioneering climate-neutral innovations in Dutch greenhouse horticulture

Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a major sector, with more than 3,300 specialized companies representing an export value of €10.8 billion. This makes greenhouse horticulture one of the most important sectors within Dutch agribusiness. Patrick Westerburger, Managing Partner, Kestria Netherlands, interviewed Adri Bom-Lemstra, the chairman of Glastuinbouw Nederland, about innovations in the sector.

“Співпраця була максимально ефективною та якісною. Партнери дуже оперативно показали очікуваний результат. Клієнтоорієнтованість на вищому рівні. Ніяких нарікань немає. Рекомендую до співпраці.”

Маргарита Бобік, Head of talent acquisition, МХП
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